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Little London Bridge

Frequently Asked Questions

What are Little London Bridge’s start and finish times?

On a morning, Little London Bridge doors open at 8:45 and close at 9:00. After school, Little London Bridge doors open at 3:00 and close at 3:15. This is 15 minutes before the rest of the school to enable a quieter and calmer transition for our children.

How do I contact the Class Teacher?

Please sign up to your child’s Class Dojo page. Here you can direct message Little London Bridge staff to inform them of any information you feel we should know. We can also contact you with an update on your child’s day.

What do I do if my child is ill?

Call the school from 6:00AM to report the child’s absence. Please also inform the Class teacher to allow us to plan appropriately.

What do I do if my child is going to be late?

If you are running late, please send the class teacher a message on Class Dojo so we know to expect you shortly. You will then need to bring your child to the main reception and sign them in. A member of staff will walk your child to their class. Late marks will affect your child’s attendance percentage on their EHCP.

What shall I do if I am going to be late to collect my child?

If you are running late to collect your child, please message the class teacher on dojo so we know when to expect you.

Can I send someone else to pick up my child?

Yes. If you know this is going to happen in advance, please let a member of staff know so we can expect somebody different. You will also be required to set up a password. If we do not recognise an adult coming to collect a child, we will ask for their password. If the password is incorrect, we will not release the child to the adult and contact parents or carers.

I am going to drop my child off; can I park on the school site?

Yes. We have created a dedicated car park and bus drop off point within the carpark which is accessible via Meanwood Road, located next to the Little Owls Little London Nursery. There will be a specific system employed to ensure that drop off and pick ups are smooth and calm for our students. Upon induction into the academy, you will be informed of these processes. Please do not attempt to access the school carpark via Oatland Lane for drop off and collection. You will be refused entry to this carpark and asked to drive to the dedicated resource provision car park.

Is there a before or after school club?

Yes, there is a both a breakfast and afterschool club. Breakfast club opens at 7:45am and costs £3 per session. After school club runs until 5:15pm and costs £7 per session. Should you be interested in accessing either elements of this wrap around care, please contact a member of the Little London Bridge Leadership Team to ensure that appropriate support can be put into place for your child whilst accessing these clubs. Please note, if you access Leeds City Council Passenger Transport, they will not provide transport for children accessing before/afterschool clubs.

How to apply for Local Authority transport?

You will be asked in your transition process if you are wanting to apply for Local Authority transport. If your circumstances change and you wish to apply after this, please see the transport page: https://www.richmondhill.leeds.sch.uk/rainbow/transport/

Can I take my child on holiday during term time?

You must get permission from the head teacher if you want to take your child out of school during term time. You can get an application form from the office at our main reception.

What do I do if my child is prescribed medication?

Inform the Class Teacher about the medication and they will and you a form to complete. Any medication will be administered by a first aider.

What happens if my child has a medical appointment?

We would ask that all routine medical appointments are arranged outside of school hours, however we are aware this is sometimes unavoidable, due to being an emergency appointment or with a specialist. If this is the case, please inform your Class Teacher with as much notice as possible and provide evidence of the appointment so we can authorise the absence. Evidence can be showing a staff member a copy of the appointment letter or sending a picture of appointment details via Class Dojo.

What happens if my child has an accident in school?

Your child will be seen by a first aider and appropriate treatment will be given. You will be briefed about the incident at the end of the day. If it is a significant injury and we feel you should know earlier, we will give you a phone call.

Can my child bring food and drinks to school?

Yes, you can send in food and drinks for your child. We request that these are not sweets or fizzy pop. If your child is in an Early Steps class, we will order them a school meal as it is free. Even if you don’t think your child will like school meals, we believe it is good to expose children to different foods and give them the opportunity to smell, touch and taste new food. They can eat their packed lunch alongside this.

If your child is in Key Stage 2, we can also order them school meals. These will need to be paid for through Parent Mail. You will be sent an email with access to Parent Mail upon your child starting at Little London Academy.

I want my child to have a school dinner, but they have medical needs which require a specific diet

Our catering is provided by Taylor Shaw who provide medical diets upon the completion and approval of their request form. One of these will be sent to you within your transition pack.

Is there a school uniform?

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