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Important notice:Give your feedback on our SEND Resource Provision proposal Learn More

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SEND Resource Provision Proposal

Little London Academy, in conjunction with The GORSE Academies Trust as the admitting authority for the academy, propose to open a resourced provision at the academy for children with Special Educational Needs, specifically with Autism. This change is proposed to take effect from September 2024. 

Little London Academy is proposing to make this change for the following reasons:  

  • There is insufficient provision across the city for children aged 3-11 years old who have a diagnosis of autism and require specialist support in their learning.  
  • There is a rapidly growing number of young people in Leeds who have a diagnosis of autism and require specialist support in their learning.  
  • The GORSE Academies Trust already operates a very successful resourced provision at Rainbow Base, Richmond Hill Academy for 3–11-year-olds, as well as Horizons, John Smeaton Academy for 11–16-year-olds.  
  • The academy currently has capacity within the existing school to accommodate the resourced provision, with no detrimental impact on current pupils.

We do recognise that it is important that we gather the views of our parents/carers, the local community, colleagues in education, local authority colleagues and other stakeholders.  

Give your feedback

To support this consultation, we are holding a drop-in consultation session for anyone who wishes to discuss our proposal. This session will be held on Tuesday 11 June 2024, 9:00am-10:00am, at Little London Academy.

We have also provided a dedicated email address where you can provide your input. This email address is: [email protected].

The closing date for feedback to be received is Tuesday 25 June 2024.

Download a copy of the proposal